“Four rules to build a great organization:
1. deliver a great product or service
2. all members of the organization should receive and seize opportunities to grow
3. the entire organization should strive to develop itself daily
4. generate enough profit to ensure rule 1, 2 and 3”
Kamangir hired: Navigator (currently fulfilled, stay tuned for more opportunities)
Role and activities
At Kamangir, the Navigator is a cornerstone of the organization. You are the primary co-builder of our organization. Navigating does not only mean giving directions. The role implies that things run smoothly, that everybody invests their precious time into that at which they are strongest. Your role is about empowering and protecting the immensely valuable humans that make our organization thriving, awesome, learning, and always developing.
As Kamangir is just starting to develop itself into an impactful social enterprise, and plans to seriously grow its team during the next year, the Navigator will at first ensure that this growth is made possible.
How will you do that?
We assume that you can figure that out for yourself. But here are a few activities that will presumably land on your plate within the next few months:
- Making sure all our clients and suppliers are as happy as they should be, know what they can expect from us (and what they cannot)
- Continuously remind the founder of what he should be doing right now, instead of what he thinks is way more important as he gets distracted by as much as a fly sitting in the room, or a half empty glass of water, or was it half full? Well, you get the point
- Manage the founder’s calendar, assist his speakers' agency with bookings and prepping for keynotes. He needs your help, really
- Writing: proposals, content for blogs, our website, ideas, tactics
- Co-developing the organization, which means sparring, consulting, asking difficult questions, helping us staying sane
- Arranging, structuring and planning of administrations: financial, CRM, resource planning
- Planning events, gatherings, outreaches, off sites
- Ensuring that all we deliver online, in publications, to our clients, to our audiences and also internally meets our values, moral and social standards,
- Setting up and curating our media channels: website, social media, newspapers, TV, whatever we choose or are faced with
- Help turning crazy ideas into beautiful concepts, products or content, or direct them to the graveyard
- Arranging and ensuring that Kamangir meets the standards and is accredited as Social Enterprise, B-Corp, and whatever fitting new standard may come up
- Asking for help and/or arranging help before the quality of your output is compromised
What qualities and virtues are required for you to be a great navigator?
- Trustworthy
- Committed
- Decisive
- Orderly
- Striving for beauty in everything you produce
- Prioritizing (you will not only prioritize your own activities, but even the founder’s to begin with)
- Ambitious
- Goal-oriented
- Humour or humor, whichever you prefer
- Excellent in speaking and writing in English and at least one other commonly spoken language, like Dutch, Mandarin, Spanish, German or French, or Klingon
- Growing: our hope is that you find yourself able to hold on to a tremendously steep growth curve, and that your work makes you happy, and that you are truly a part of our family, and that cornerstone we need so badly
What is our offer?
- Too little for too much: you will be required to release your inner entrepreneur, which means that you will give it all without the security of a high salary. In the beginning we will pay you mèh, but you should not have to worry about being able to pay your bills. As we expect that your presence and contributions will help us get into thriving mode very quickly, a speedy climb of your Maslow pyramid awaits
- This means that if our collaboration is a match, the long-term reward will be tremendous. You will look back at having co-built an amazing, change-making, innovating company
- You will work from the coolest office space: CIC Rotterdam, overlooking the beautiful central station, and stocked with great coffee, bites, fellow entrepreneurs, and a fantastic support team...
And there is more:
Kamangir is a for-profit organization intending to make a change in how we deal with energy on a tremendous scale. As we do our work, a part of our findings, inventions, models, and products will potentially impact many, many people. As access to clean energy from renewable resources should be a universal right for every human being, these findings, inventions, models and products should be accessible for all, and therefore owned by none. It is for this reason that we will soon launch a new not-for-profit institute. You will be so helpful in also making that organization a thriving, beautiful one, and be the change the world is in such dire need of. Thank you for that, you are indeed awesome!
Would you like to apply? Please contact us here.