
arashaaz, rotterdam 2015, iphone

arashaaz, rotterdam 2015, iphone

The energy transition happens everywhere, but in which direction? What will the world look like once our children are as old as we are today? Can we shape our energy system so that it serves future generations in the best way possible? Kamangir provides context with regards to the quickly changing energy landscape. We develop visions, long-term strategies and actionable innovation pathways, aimed at maximizing positive impact. Our team of entrepreneurs, scientists and philosophers helps our clients to develop and maintain a transgenerational scope that serves as an organizational navigation system.

Our wish is to serve a goal higher than ourselves. Our credo: Dream. Develop. Do.

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arashaaz, new york 2014, iphone

arashaaz, new york 2014, iphone

Kamangir develops visions, strategies and actionable innovation pathways in order for our clients to define powerful and lasting policy frameworks, innovations and investment agenda's. We take our clients on a journey into their own future through our unique approach combining science, philosophy and creative power. Our methodology -Consultative Scoping-, puts vision and purpose at the centre of each course of action.

As we quickly shift from economic systems based on scarcity and centralized control to entirely new systems built upon principles of abundance, equality and democracy, Kamangir helps organizations to ensure lasting value creation for all stakeholders.

Kamangir helps designing and implementing the structures, organizations and propositions that enables its clients to maximize their positive impact for years to come.

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Rotterdam central station - solar rooftop

Rotterdam central station - solar rooftop

A clear vision with a transgenerational positive impact and the strategies that lead the way to that bright future challenge us to develop models that support these strategies. Business models as we know them, based on volume, scarcity and inequality, won't do the trick. Kamangir therefore develops unique and lasting organization models and business models for the economy of the future, based on abundance, equality and empowerment. We call this "Natural Organizations".

Every organization is created for positive impact. This effects stakeholders: shareholders, customers, co-workers, suppliers, society and the environment. It is our aim to help our clients develop and deploy business models that positively impact every stakeholder, and serve a purpose higher than itself, so that we all contribute to truly sustainable value creation and to an ever-advancing civilization. 

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